Forward Yet Backward

Business on the mind

This time is all about re-evalution. Digging deep and really examining the structures within our lives. Mostly within our finances, careers, goals and oh yessss our sex lives ! As the Planet of War, Ambition, Desires, sex and all that jazz moves into ambitious Capricorn until the March 6th, 2022. We will be diving into our desires like no other ! We want what we want and that is it ! We have worked hard for it, and quite frankly who is going to tell us otherwise ?! Trust me I get it. We currently have three transits going through Capricorn. Venus, Mercury, and now Mars. But as you may know, we always have plot twists within the universe. This time around that plot twist has to do with another Capricorn transit. First Venus, and now, Mercury in Capricorn Rx (Retrograde) that is. Venus will be going direct in a few days (Jan. 29th.) As we connect with new people during this Mars In Cap. transit, we will be looking for and attracting elevated individuals that are connected to success and even fame. Now this placement is considered exalted. Which means it is in its highest regard, or highest level. Which means we want to experience life on an elevated level right now !

Now what about Mercury RX you say ? Well when we meet these people just remember to read between the lines before you sign on the dotted line. Re-examine your goals & personal boundaries and structures within your life. Make sure when you save those numbers, those people are who they indeed say THEY ARE ! Check those CREDENTIALS! And don't feel bad ! Better to check now , then to be sorry later. For others this is going to be moments of one night stands, quickies, and even home wrecking. Set the house on fire, and find the next one to fuck up lol. As any retrograde people that you once done business with or even friends or friends with benefits, may circle back to your DMs or inbox. Again, let's ask ourselves if we want to elevate or downgrade backwards. We are looking for new heights, not old and used *Puts on sunglasses*. Remember you ARE indeed worth it. But move with strategy, not aloofness. And just because they dazzle gems & diamonds in front of you doesn't mean they love you. It means they want to buy you. Remember Venus is also in Retrograde! The foundation isn't stable. So keep your focus straight and aim high without settling. This Capricorn energy can be devilish or prosperous.

What side do you choose ?


What's in store for you ? ↓